Molly’s Game
Molly’s game, directed by Aaron Sorkin, best known for his screenplay on the Social Network, brings his unique style to a movie that, although not about the Mafia, given the mood that the characters can suffer some kind of violence at any time. However, what gives Sorkin’s branded production is his genial dialogue and the development of the main characters.
Of course, this evolution is a form of presentation of The Great Throw, as well as in the real history of Molly Bloom, but also in its autobiography called Molly’s Game (that is the English title of the film). Even so, Sorkin gives his voice to these events in an incredibly visual and thrilling way for a movie that, most of the time, is based on the dialogue between characters and the narration of the protagonist herself.
With an impeccable edition that shows the difficult past of the protagonist and explains his current agony, The Great Throw is a story of Molly Bloom, played by Jessica Chastain. At first, we see Molly as an incredibly dedicated person, but whom we suspect and the victim of fate. With a promising career in snowboarding, Molly stumbles on a small branch that physically hurts her and destroys her future as an athlete.
So one principle, a character started a job as a simple waitress or secretary. However, his boss has important contacts in Hollywood, contacts who like to have fun playing poker. Molly is chosen to serve these personalities and manage the game. However, when she is fired for having sent lots of will among millionaire personalities, a protagonist does not give up and manages to “steal” her boss’s meetings.
This is a great move for Molly, who is one of the biggest underground poker personalities – with millionaire bets – and protects the million dollar star. Sorkin, as in Molly’s book, tries to leave anonymously or modify the names of several important people. But if Leonardo DiCaprio, Macaulay Culkin and Ben Affleck, to name a few, were part of those encounters (and it’s still Tobey Maguire who brought Molly to the game).
Molly, being very smart, also trying to do everything for her business and legal. However, when hiring a lawyer to make sure it is right, it is clear that such actions are not completely clear: in a comic scene, the lawyer deals ambiguous with the legality of poker, no answers direct answers to Molly’s simpler questions .
When Molly moves away from Hollywood and starts managing games with richer people, and when the crowd begins to show interest in their profits, a police then suspects that Molly is involved in something illicit and holds her with more suspicion. With the help of a new lawyer, Charlie Jaffey, played by Idris Elba, Sorkin gives us interesting and exciting scenes that run through no snowboard, poker and mafia, but also secrets of Molly’s family that unfold throughout the film.
(This article original language is portuguese. This translation was made with Google Translate)