Legion may be one of the nicest, most complex and most interesting television series ever produced. If special effects of the last generation were necessary for any Marvel story seen on the big screen, this series takes effect art to its limits, not only during the two hours of a film, but for the whole season.
More than that, Legion is the best thing on television. His visuals are clearly artistic and take postmodern art to places that TV had never had the opportunity to show. In addition, the impeccable editing gives the show the suspense it needs so that viewers can be glimpsed in the unique mood of this work, created for Marvel by writer Chris Claremont and artist Bill Sienkiewicz in 1985.
Vibrant colors, objects out of their time or place, unique characters and macabre, plus abstract locations that could leave the plot of Legion a little confused. But this is exactly the purpose, where the mental problems of his main character, David Charles Haller, give unity to the work.
As a milestone on the artistic level of TV, Legion is a late bet from Netflix, which holds the title of largest producer of films and series. She also outperformed FOX (Legion Producer) in 2016, with 43 series and movies released on the streaming network. With this, 10% of all US production is in the hands of the giant, which continues to grow in the seventh art market.
In a recent survey, the UK-based research group Childwise, revealed that young people (under 16) prefer to watch on-demand media or streaming. The company points out that Netflix itself is the youngsters’ favorite platform, and that there is no longer a dispute over what to watch, as each member of the family can see what they want, whenever they want.
This points to an evolution. There is a lot of discussion about the issue of Streaming Vs. Traditional Studios, reverberating at Cannes and at the Oscars. In Brazil, directors and actors complain that 90% of productions are not spent on film or TV – and when they do, they leave the poster in the first two weeks. As a result, streaming only has to win, either via the feasibility of having a large repertoire of titles in its catalog, or to end piracy (in the study conducted by Kantar Media, the number of people using legal streaming services to watching movies / music increased by 15%).
Other companies even try to compete with the giant’s exorbitant growth. FOX itself removed several titles from Netflix, as it was about to launch an application that synchronized the display of the programs with other devices as a cell phone. In addition, it has modified the dynamics in the two FOX Premium channels.
However, it can not be argued: Netflix’s power for movies and series around the globe is still phenomenal. Even if the productions have little time of ‘life’ in the streaming – being replaced by new and more interesting titles – it is undeniable the approval by the platform, either with big series and of several special effects like the Legion, or with local productions and indies .
But if Legion marks a different artistic level on television, the program reaffirms the influence of Netflix in the world of cinema. Although it was originally produced for the American channel FX, Netflix demonstrates that it not only produces successful shows, but is successful in trading films from other producers in different countries, such as Brazil.
(This article original language is portuguese. This translation was made with Google Translate)