Okja: man’s new best friend
On May 19, the film Okja, by director Bong Joon-ho, debuted at the important Cannes festival. The film, distributed by Netflix, gave plenty to talk about environmental issues regarding the treatment of animals to be slaughtered. But what is more…
Game of Thrones: winter is only beginning
The new season of Game of Thrones is coming, to the delight of millions of fans worldwide. The series changed a lot of what we call television (HBO, the cable channel responsible for producing the show, said in its advertisement…
Transformers – The Last knight: Changing the franchise brings a darker movie
It’s been ten years since the first Transformers movie debuted and the franchise is still alive, both for the joy of those who love the fight between giant robots and for the sadness of those who prefer more complex scenarios.…
Spider-Man: Back Home, Back to the Big Screen
When it seemed that nothing would exceed the enthusiasm that everyone felt seeing Wonder Woman last month, Spider-Man, a well-known screen hero, comes back with style and new face. Played by Tom Holland, it is not the first time this…
With Cars, Pixar asks what it really is to win
As much as Cars 2 has been a failure compared to other Pixar productions, making the existence of a third film astounding, the studio managed to put its most famous car back in the competition between great animation studios with…
Despicable Me Do not Miss the Charm … and the Comedy
As much as the first animated film in the Despicable Me franchise appeared seven years ago, the new feature features the same kind of energy and comedy that had charmed the audience. To celebrate and understand how the franchise has…
The Mummy: The creation of yet another universe
Mummy movies have not only been successful in movie history, but they tend to return with a new focus every time. The last production of the monster, which is still part of our memoirs, is that with actor Brendan Fraser,…
Wonder Woman: A Surprising Superhero
The Wonder Woman premiered on June 1st, directed by Patty Jenkins, recently known for her work in television series. Although Wonder Woman is not the most popular heroine in the DC universe – which features heroes such as Superman, Batman…
Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge Brings “Pirates” Back to Origins
The fifth title of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise came unexpectedly amid a large number of remakes in Hollywood. Debuting on May 25, the franchise re-creates a style of entertainment similar to the first film, which renews interest in…